Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~rindu dtg lagi~

saje je nie..he3...
tp memg tgh rindu ler...

dgn sape????haaa ini yg kite nk tau kan?

1st mesti ler dgn fmily trsyg...
2nd of course my luv...Saiful Amree
3rd with my beloved frens....

hope nant time konvo dpt jumpe korng sume...

kite amik pic s
mpai full memory ok...

~nie lah cikgu mat min@amin
2gather with
cik kam@kamariah..hik3~

~haaaa...saye tgh ridu gler kt die nie...~

~xsabo aku nk jumpe korg sume!!!!~

ok daaaaaa.....


Anak Kampung said...

u oweys in my heart Nur Aqilah bt Mohd Amin...

never be replaceable!

Anonymous said...

selamat berkonvo qila.